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Fly Fishing in a natural paradise

Best Time To Fish

If you plan a fishing trip, you don't want to miss the prime season! Mark your calendar for early May to October - the fish move into the sea pools, the trout actively take flies, and the weather is just right. With long daylight hours North Uist offers the fly fisher an amazing choice.

Busy Times

 Experience the best of fishing season with us! The sea trout season extends to the end of October, while the salmon season runs until the 15th of October. September and October are the most popular months for fishing, with up to 18 rods in use daily in the beautiful lochs and seapools. Due to limited Ghillies availability, we recommend visiting during August and early September for a more relaxed fishing experience.

Prices and Fishing

Embark on an unforgettable fishing adventure with us! Whether you're planning a couple of days or a week-long trip, drop us a line with your preferred dates, and we'll take care of the rest. Our services cater to groups of up to 4 fishers, whether novices or seasoned fly fishers. Discover the breathtaking beauty of North Uist as you experience the thrill of wild brown trout loch fishing and explore the wonders of tidal sea pools. You'll receive an email from us confirming all the booked fishing days so you can rest easy and focus on enjoying your adventure.

Basic Day Rate

 Day Rate for Two Rods
£ 150
You can pay for one or two rods in cash on the day of your fishing trip. The payment includes guidance from a local ghillie for catching Brown trout, salmon, or sea trout. Please note that North Uist Estate needs to pay a separate cost for daily fishing.

Weekly Rate


Are you an avid fisherman or woman looking for an unforgettable fishing adventure? Look no further! Our weekly rate includes a skilled ghillie to accompany you and your companion as you explore the beautiful loch fishing, sea pools, and brackish waters. 


With limited accommodations and a rapidly approaching busy season, we encourage you to book your fishing experience well in advance. Don't miss the opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime.

Additional Rods

Please note that if you require more than two fishing guests, there will be an extra charge of £50 per day per rod. The maximum group size allowed with this additional charge is 4 rods. We strongly recommend booking early to avoid disappointment, as the fishing season gets booked up quickly, often a year in advance.

Bestill ditt fiskeovernatting

Lochmaddy Hotel

Fisket på North Uist eies av North Uist Estate, men administreres gjennom Lochmaddy Hotel. Lochmaddy Hotel ble etablert i 1863 og er det eldste hotellet i North Uist. Nylig har hotellet gjennomgått oppussing. Du vil finne eierne, John og Lorna - som for tiden har 13 års erfaring med å drive Lochmaddy Hotel - på vakt de fleste dager. John passer på alle fiskegjestene, gir dem mange råd og gir ofte en ghillie-tjeneste. Lorna er i resepsjonen de fleste morgener og er ofte en god kilde til lokal informasjon. 

Fishing in a pristine environment

On the Atlantic edges, grey seals and common seals are spotted lazily basking on reefs or popping up in the surf, while on many lochs where there are streams, otters can be spotted playing in the sparkling waters.

Walk out to any Machair loch, and you will encounter oystercatchers, lapwings, snipe, golden plovers, redshanks, and, if you are lucky, a glimpse of the rare corncrake. As you drive back to your hotel after a successful day, you may spot short-eared owls, merlin, hen harriers and kestrels hovering above the heather.

North Uist fishing is a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for those who appreciate the great wild outdoors and its beauty. How often have we spotted fish leaping as we stop for a coffee on a small island and watch the wildlife around? From these moments, great days have unfolded.

Amazing Nature 

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the North Uist fishing waters from May to October. Behold the magnificent wildlife thriving in the coastlines and remote moorlands. Take a row up a moorland loch and witness the majestic golden and sea eagles soaring above you. Hear the haunting sounds of the black-throated and red-throated diver echoing through the stillness of the lochs. Catch a glimpse of these magnificent birds as they fly to the coast to fish before returning to their chicks out on the distant lochs. On the west coast and at the sea pools, observe the energetic common and Arctic terns searching for sandeels while the tranquil cooing of rafts of eider ducks can be heard as they swim past in the pools. North Uist's fishing waters offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of the Scottish wildlife.

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Tidal Jewels

As the tide recedes across the vast tidal flats of North Uist, sea pools begin to emerge. These tidal pools are incredible spots for fishing, with some areas even having tidal rapid systems. During the fishing season, fish gather in the outer pools, making their way to the upper pools as the waters warm and sandeels appear in large shoals in the shallow waters. Sea trout found in these pools can range in size from small finnock to larger fish that exceed 7Ib and sometimes well over 10Ib, with the average weight being around 3Ib. The excitement of catching these powerful fresh fish in the sea pool is truly magical. A fish weighing over 3 pounds will give you a good fight on the reel, and with the added challenge of fishing around seaweed, skilled fly fishers need to be alert to land these beautiful creatures.

Pristine Waters

Fly fishing in the crystal clear waters of North Uist is a truly wonderful experience. You can often see fish moving along the weed edge, resting lazily on the edge of sandy bays or at the side of rocks. At times, they can be seen swirling and jumping throughout the day. Being here in this moment is utterly incredible. In some pools, when salmon are present, they often leap beside the wading fly fisher, startle them as they splash back into the water and swim past. Nothing can truly compare to sea pool fishing in North Uist. It makes fishing in North Uist utterly magical.

Should you use a Ghillie

Fly fishers often choose to use a local Ghillie's services when fishing, but it is highly recommended to do so, especially when venturing out to farther sea pools. A local Ghillie's knowledge of the tides and likely fishing spots can significantly increase the chances of success on a fishing trip. Regardless of the decision, it is crucial to be aware of the tides' ebb and flow during the flood.

The Ghillie

Numerous fishers have become regular visitors, returning year after year on their fishing pilgrimage to experience one week of heaven from late summer to October. During this time, they get to know the Hebridean Ghillie, spend time with them in the local hotel or out on the lochs, and gain an insight into the fishing waters and techniques. Many have formed long-lasting friendships that have lasted for over forty years.

Value of a Ghillie

Hiring a ghillie when fishing in North Uist is highly recommended for a better chance of success. Big lochs like Geirean Mill, Obituary, Scadabay, Fada, and others take a lifetime to become familiar with. The sea pools are constantly changing after winter storms, some filling up and others becoming deep pools for sea trout. A wise angler should always use a ghillie to access far-flung pools. Alternatively, some pools lie closer to the road, and fly fishers sometimes fish these alone or with a ghillie.

Its Team Work

When fishing with a Hebridean Ghillie, you work as a team. The ghillie takes you out onto the open water, rowing steadily and engaging you in polite conversation while keeping a watchful eye on your every cast. They observe the water carefully and track your fly as it floats on the surface, noticing even the slightest movement beneath the surface before you can see it. They provide guidance on technique and assist in selecting the right fly. They navigate the boat along the shore, adjusting the angle to offer a more challenging experience, such as fishing against the wind or holding the boat over a rock when they sense a fish is present. Instinct and local knowledge are essential in this kind of fishing.


The Hebridean Ghillies are highly experienced in their craft, having spent their entire life fishing in these lochs and pools. They have been nurtured by the shared understanding of previous Ghillies, making fishing their way of life. They take great pleasure in your success and are delighted to offer their services to those who are coming to fish in North Uist. Book a Ghillie service and experience the freedom to fish with local experts.


The cost for hiring a Ghillie for one or two rods is £150 per day. However, if you have more than two rods, there will be an additional charge of £50 per rod, with a maximum limit of four rods. If you're planning to fish in North Uist, please note that there may be additional fees involved, and you can find the details at Lochmaddy Hotel or North Uist Estate.


Please email us for availability and advice.


One of the biggest challenges for flyfishers in North Uist and across the Hebrides is the wind. There are days when fishermen stand in the eye of a storm casting into murky water and find the fish are taking, while on other balmy and seemingly perfect days, nothing moves. However, the beauty of fishing in North Uist is that even on stormy days, there is still water to fish. So, if you're properly wrapped up in waterproof clothing, your fishing adventures can carry on!

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North Uist Lochs

A Mosaic Landscape

Those who enter into the moorlands discover a world of many ecosystems and a vastness that seems never-ending. It is a challenging place with untold beauty and hundreds of lochs and lochans.

North Uist Loch Fishing

North Uist has been a mecca for fishing on our brown trout lochs since early May. The choice is endless, and they say a fisherman can be here for four years and fish every day on different water and still not have fished all the lochs. With our trout lochs on the East and West Coast, both sides have a beautiful world of contrast. The trout fishing on the west side occurs in the famous MAchair lochs. These fertile waters have trout up to six pounds in weight with an average of 3/4 Ib to 11/4 Ib. The trout fishing in the East is in the moorlands, and from the tops of the hills, there appears to be more water than land. The vast, unique labyrinth of Loch Sgadabhagh almost defies belief with its enormity. When one goes fishing on this incredible body of water, the joy of North Uist Fishing truly comes alive.

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Wildlife Paradise

The moorland lochs of North Uist are great places for the naturalist/fisher as they are home to some of the island's iconic wildlife. Summer sees the remoter lochs with beautiful black and red-throated divers, greylag geese, and Arctic skuas, while the heather banks have noisy wrens, stonechats and red grouse. Fly fishing on these trout lochs is an experience in the heart of nature and surrounded by the calls of the wild. The fishing can be tremendous with the average trout / 1/2 Ib to 11/4 pounds.

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Experience Fishing Freedom

Whether you head into the remote hills or stop by a loch close to the roadside, there is always a sense of freedom as you walk across the North Uist landscape. That journey into the unknown is full of expectancy and excitement as the water appears before you. You stand by the edge of the water and cast your flies across the gentle waves anticipating with every cast a take. Around you, the vast skies illuminate the horizon and you become absorbed in this world of  North Uist loch fishing.

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North Uist Loch Fishing

The Experience

Bøker om North Uist

For ytterligere informasjon om North Uist, dens innsjø- og havbassengfiske, vennligst se følgende bøker av John Clapham, en vanlig North Uist-besøkende i mange år.

1. North Uist Reiseguide.

2. Loch Fishing - ørret, sjøørret og laks.

3. Havbassengfiske - Sjøørret og laks.


Fiske i North Uist er en fabelaktig opplevelse i et uberørt miljø med uendelige utvalg av ørret innsjøer å fiske, utmerket sjøørret vann og utfordrende laksefiske innsjøer. Ut på vannet med venner og en lokal ghillie er noe spesielt. De ettermiddagene i en avsidesliggende hytte for lunsj, og reflekterer over morgenens fiske og utsiktene fremover, å lytte til fiskehistorier og gode minner fra vakre dager er noe å verne om.

Fiske handler ikke bare om fangst. Det handler om å oppleve og sette pris på verden rundt deg på disse fredelige dagene. Får et glimt av en havørn, lytter til hjortens brøl i Autumn eller den stille flukten til en hønehøne mens den flyter over myrene. Dette er øyeblikkene å verdsette og nyte i North Uist.

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The Sea Pools

Tidal Gems

Gin clear waters

North Uist's sea pools offer fly fishers a unique and unforgettable experience. These tidal jewels attract salmon and sea trout during summer and autumn, making for an exceptional fishing adventure. With over twenty recognized pools to fish from, North Uist has something for every angler. The sea pools are spread across vast open beaches, making for breathtaking scenery and serenity. It's essential to plan your trip around the tides, as each pool is different, and never fish the same way on different tides. Ebbing tide to low water is the ideal time to fish; you can expect to catch plenty of fish during this time. So why wait? Plan your fishing trip to North Uist and experience the thrill of sea pool fishing for yourself!

Fishing North Uist


May to October


Improved Reaction Time

North Uist is a fantastic location for fishing enthusiasts, with plenty of lochs, sea pools, and brackish lochs providing an exceptional fishing experience. The area offers an ultimate challenge for fly fishers who want to catch Hebridean brown trout, sea trout, and salmon. North Uist is particularly famous for its sea trout waters and attracts many fly fishers who wish to test their skills. With its vast skies and stunning landscape dotted with numerous lochs and lochans, fishing in North Uist is an unforgettable experience. If you're looking for the perfect destination to fish in pristine waters, North Uist is the ideal place to be. Book your trip today and get ready for an adventure like no other!


IGOT2TRAVEL LIMITED, et selskap innlemmet og registrert i Skottland med firmanummer 667202,  og dets registrerte kontor er 1 Struan, Sollas, Isle of North Uist, Scotland, HS.

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